Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Conclution and Final Message

Everyone has its own story, along the way ive met people that have been through really though situations in life that their only escape and consolation was found in religion and it would be absolutley selfish and humanless to try and convince them into non belief. this is not my objective no more. it was when i was an angry teen and i have now come to terms with this.
today i am more interested into exploring religion in humanity as a global phenomena. its beginings, its causes, its consecuences and the impact in modern age people. what changes in the human life when religion is presented, what is enchanced and what is numbed. i try to explore and hope to have the oportunity to do further research with the past generations and the way they were brought up. i am interested to explore their traumas and their frustrations in life because of religion or their motivations and reasons to keep living because of religion aswell so that everyone can come to an individual conclution and come to terms with religions in the future.
messages of love and comprehention ? i do not believe so, not after seeing the womans situation in the south east of Mexico that were evangelized into summision and absolute humilliation and self hatered for being what they are.  all i want is to try and create a little justice for all the people that have suffered the atrocities of religion trough out the centuries by speaking their words and telling their history. from the days of the biggest tragedy of human proportions that the discovery of america represents to me 500 years ago, to the pain and grief the stolen generations in Australia still alive today carry. i believe that spirituality is individual and so is religion but when they are destroying life for over 1000 years i think its time to break the tabu and start speaking about religion to come to a cpommon ground as humanity and once that chapter is closed move on to the next chapter of human existance.
i believe harmony comes along with the dealing of issues

thank you very much for your time '
and i hope you try to understand as i have been strugglin to understand for over 7 years now.


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