Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Albet Einstein

everytime i question religion publicly or expressed my oposition to it i was seen as an evil forigner that must be extinct from society in order for it to survive. it is absolutley imposible and unthinkable that a young man brought up in a middle class of Mexico can cuestion these values and call them regresive.
i felt like i didnt belonge. i felt like a parasite but couldnt help think these thoughts. it was my nature and i believed that my nature alone was the one i should trust. it was then that i felt sure of myself and accepted that it was going to be me against world lack of tolerance that allowed religions to exterminate my people in the first place. the whole world seemed to me as a society of genocide. and it was shoking how they ignored these issues just because of confort. i was shoked and indegnated, my own Mother was part of this group of murderers, for me they were evil doers that didnt care people had died for milenias because of their loudacris ideas!! i was in absolut shock and i couldnt tur to my family for comfort.

this stage of my life was hard, it was my emancipation not only from religion but from all the values i was given, i was rejecting my place in society, i was rejecting priviledge, i was rejecting an identity and it was hard trying to find one being so far away from the indigenous comunities and being used to middle class comfort.
but people like Albert Einstein were there for me. even though everyone spoke about them and how brilliant these people were for some reason they ignored their views on Religion and when i found out what their views were it was my own little plesure to see how ignorant people could get and it was a constant reminder on how i should educate myself in order to avoid stupidity.

"... i do not believe in a personal god and i have never denied this but have expressed this clearly. if something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it"
Albert Einstein

Einstein was a Humanitarian, and his views on religion  for me were a tresure given the fact that many people atribute his inteligence almos as godlike. he repudiated the notion of a god. i felt i wasnt alone and that in the group i fetted there were people with certain stamina and inteligence that i should be proud of belonging to. i was no longer an insect or a misfit. i in my immagination was walking to the same level of Albert Einstein.

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