Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Charles Darwins influence on me

Charles Darwin was one person that didnt easily abandonded his religious beliefs. he even concidered becoming a priest when he was young but it was the extreme religious beliefs his wife had that kept him from claiming his atheism and it wasnt until he wrote his autobiography that he admited that all his lifes work slowly but surley exterminated any faith left in him.

he remembers being laughed at by the men on board of the Beagle because of his cuotations on the bible and his orthodox ways. he speaks about his knowledge becoming a questioning on all the miracles and the gospels and he says that "the more we know about the fixed laws of nature te more incredible miracles seem to be" it is clear for Darwin that no sane man would believe the old testament and its stories and he aknowledges that the Gospels cannot be proven tho be written at the same time of the events.
and he states "i gradually came to disbelieve in christianity as a divine revelation. and he clearly feels overwelmed with his discoveries and feels sad that many false religions have spread through humanity with a devastating effect on science knowledge and academic truth.

Darwin also a fan of theologist William Paley says in later life that with his discoveries and conclutions on natural selection and therefore the laws of nature all that Paley gave to him as a conclution of existance failed. he argues that the design of everything in this planet can not have been designed by one unique inteligent being since everything takes the shape and path it needs to survive given different circumstances in life itself.

it was calm and thoughtful conclutions like this of people like Darwin, as if he was reflecting on a long and eventful life that helped me come to terms with my anger with religion. it showed me that one can and will believe whatever he wants in order to make himself happy but what matters is what that person does with those beliefs to afect the world arround them. and looking at poeple like Charles Darwin and their conclutions on Religion and their lifes work made me feel hope, hapiness and pretty much a path in life !

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