Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Emma Goldman in me

Emma Goldman became a unique example of life to me when i was 16 or 17 years old. when i was questioning everything arround me and had all this anger her books were there to prove me that anger can be productive and her views and philosophies along with Peter Kropotkins inspired me to a level that i stoped concidering a Mexican citizen and embraced not only the indigenous blood in me but the courage of the women of the indigenous tribes. just imagining how a woman has been a specific objective of regresive and opressive machist philosophies in religions i couldnt imagine how lower can one get in a social scheme untill i met the women of chiapas and understood that they where not only hated by god because they were women but they were hated by everyone for being indigenous. their rebeliousnes and their resiliance made me admire them and made me feel like one of them.
thanx to Emma Goldman and women across every opressed minority or mayority i have learned how to love and respect myself and it was later in life that i would discover Goldmans views on religion that made me feel connected in a whole different level.

Emma Goldman was a russian Anarchist and fought for the basic civil liberties and the labour rights in the united states. she condemned capitalism and she was an opponent to the soviet ëxperiment" and in her essay "The philosophy of Artheism" she puts religion together with these other man made catastrophic systems of absolutism and represion.

Goldman understood where the dietys came from in ancient history. she argued that human beings made Gods and dietys to understand the world they didnt yet understood and she didnt condemned that but it seemed to her ridiculous that with the modern technology  and the capacity to understand our world religions were still imbeded in the human mind . she argued aswell that religions throughout the milenia had evolved and adapted to humanities need of leadership and took the responsability of human action and human existence away from the people perseption and took a place of economical power and that it now is its only objective .

Emma Goldman was a furious Anarchist and i consider myself one of the, all her views she offered where as if she was reading my mind when i was younger and no one else could express what i felt and still feel of modern society better than her .

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