Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Debating Atheism and Religion

Through the past three months this blog ha sbeen developing in a very interesting way. Having three different members that come from three different backgrounds the points of view in many matters are absolutley different.
specially when it comes to such personal matters like religion; religion from a Saudi Arabian perspective, religion from an Australian perspective and religion from a Mexican perspective.
when we embarked ourselves with this task of writing a blog we sat down and tried to figuere out what we all had in comon and we came up with a few things but when trying to write about them something was just not working for us. it was only then when we said to ourselves... what if we start writing about the major thing whe do not have in comon? religion. we have different oppinions about it and we can make this an interesting blog if we get to write about religion in a passionate way without offending anyone? and we did

this is what the blogs objective is now, an offer of a progresive respectfull display of oppinions between three friends that have every oportuniti equaly layed infront of them and religion is not gonna get between them.

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