Wednesday, January 13, 2010


This article is a message of love and gratitude to Australia and its people. Within three months, I have completed two years in this country. Two years of my life I spent it in a country that respects human rights, a country which guarantees your rights.

Recognizing the truth, I am going to tell you about the main qualities that made me love Australia:

Respect religions. As a Muslim, I became stigmatized as a "terrorist" wherever I go. Yet, I have not witnessed much racism towards me as I expected. Definitely, I have got several frictions with different people, but it did not craft me to scare. Whereas I know my friends in America and Britain suffer from persecution and racism. Not just that, but some of them had been beaten. This is, respecting religions, is the most significant reason why I chose Australia as a country which I completed my study.

What I hope, which is the reason why I write this article in this blog, which is fighting racism against religions, is to maintain Australia's reputation for excellence by being a country that respects all religions and where everyone has the right to practice his religion without fear. Therefore, Australia as a people, Government and Media should not be swept with advocates of the war on terrorism, which is in reality, a war against Islam.

The nature is another reason why I love Australia because when you compared with Australia to my country, Saudi Arabia, you explorer nature strips, forests and rivers, rains, which do not stop and winter. All these aspects that I cannot see it at my home town.

Finally ... the food, especially chocolates and places such as Max Brenner, The Chocolate Bar with its unique taste that you cannot find it anywhere else.

EbN Al7arameyN … SadiQ

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