Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What is "Jesus: All about life."?

The Jesus: All about life campaign was a primetime television and radio commercial campaign that was aired late 2009 and still remains in the form of banners residing on many churches and homes to this day.

An example of the ad:

Contrary to my prior belief, this is not the first "Jesus: all about life" campaign to be released in Australia. According to their website, it has prior been released in Adelaide, Canberra and then across Tasmania.

The campaign is a result of a series of think tanks conducted in 2002 and funded by the Genesis Foundation. After a conference in Thailand, Bible Society NSW decided they needed a modern way to engage with the culture and saw the Genesis Foundation's idea, then known as the Cristian Media Project, as the solution.

The Adelaide, Canberra and Tasmania campaigns were primarily print campaigns and then progressed to radio and television. The campaign even sponsers a V8 supercar racing team.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Conclution and Final Message

Everyone has its own story, along the way ive met people that have been through really though situations in life that their only escape and consolation was found in religion and it would be absolutley selfish and humanless to try and convince them into non belief. this is not my objective no more. it was when i was an angry teen and i have now come to terms with this.
today i am more interested into exploring religion in humanity as a global phenomena. its beginings, its causes, its consecuences and the impact in modern age people. what changes in the human life when religion is presented, what is enchanced and what is numbed. i try to explore and hope to have the oportunity to do further research with the past generations and the way they were brought up. i am interested to explore their traumas and their frustrations in life because of religion or their motivations and reasons to keep living because of religion aswell so that everyone can come to an individual conclution and come to terms with religions in the future.
messages of love and comprehention ? i do not believe so, not after seeing the womans situation in the south east of Mexico that were evangelized into summision and absolute humilliation and self hatered for being what they are.  all i want is to try and create a little justice for all the people that have suffered the atrocities of religion trough out the centuries by speaking their words and telling their history. from the days of the biggest tragedy of human proportions that the discovery of america represents to me 500 years ago, to the pain and grief the stolen generations in Australia still alive today carry. i believe that spirituality is individual and so is religion but when they are destroying life for over 1000 years i think its time to break the tabu and start speaking about religion to come to a cpommon ground as humanity and once that chapter is closed move on to the next chapter of human existance.
i believe harmony comes along with the dealing of issues

thank you very much for your time '
and i hope you try to understand as i have been strugglin to understand for over 7 years now.


Albet Einstein

everytime i question religion publicly or expressed my oposition to it i was seen as an evil forigner that must be extinct from society in order for it to survive. it is absolutley imposible and unthinkable that a young man brought up in a middle class of Mexico can cuestion these values and call them regresive.
i felt like i didnt belonge. i felt like a parasite but couldnt help think these thoughts. it was my nature and i believed that my nature alone was the one i should trust. it was then that i felt sure of myself and accepted that it was going to be me against world lack of tolerance that allowed religions to exterminate my people in the first place. the whole world seemed to me as a society of genocide. and it was shoking how they ignored these issues just because of confort. i was shoked and indegnated, my own Mother was part of this group of murderers, for me they were evil doers that didnt care people had died for milenias because of their loudacris ideas!! i was in absolut shock and i couldnt tur to my family for comfort.

this stage of my life was hard, it was my emancipation not only from religion but from all the values i was given, i was rejecting my place in society, i was rejecting priviledge, i was rejecting an identity and it was hard trying to find one being so far away from the indigenous comunities and being used to middle class comfort.
but people like Albert Einstein were there for me. even though everyone spoke about them and how brilliant these people were for some reason they ignored their views on Religion and when i found out what their views were it was my own little plesure to see how ignorant people could get and it was a constant reminder on how i should educate myself in order to avoid stupidity.

"... i do not believe in a personal god and i have never denied this but have expressed this clearly. if something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it"
Albert Einstein

Einstein was a Humanitarian, and his views on religion  for me were a tresure given the fact that many people atribute his inteligence almos as godlike. he repudiated the notion of a god. i felt i wasnt alone and that in the group i fetted there were people with certain stamina and inteligence that i should be proud of belonging to. i was no longer an insect or a misfit. i in my immagination was walking to the same level of Albert Einstein.

Emma Goldman in me

Emma Goldman became a unique example of life to me when i was 16 or 17 years old. when i was questioning everything arround me and had all this anger her books were there to prove me that anger can be productive and her views and philosophies along with Peter Kropotkins inspired me to a level that i stoped concidering a Mexican citizen and embraced not only the indigenous blood in me but the courage of the women of the indigenous tribes. just imagining how a woman has been a specific objective of regresive and opressive machist philosophies in religions i couldnt imagine how lower can one get in a social scheme untill i met the women of chiapas and understood that they where not only hated by god because they were women but they were hated by everyone for being indigenous. their rebeliousnes and their resiliance made me admire them and made me feel like one of them.
thanx to Emma Goldman and women across every opressed minority or mayority i have learned how to love and respect myself and it was later in life that i would discover Goldmans views on religion that made me feel connected in a whole different level.

Emma Goldman was a russian Anarchist and fought for the basic civil liberties and the labour rights in the united states. she condemned capitalism and she was an opponent to the soviet ëxperiment" and in her essay "The philosophy of Artheism" she puts religion together with these other man made catastrophic systems of absolutism and represion.

Goldman understood where the dietys came from in ancient history. she argued that human beings made Gods and dietys to understand the world they didnt yet understood and she didnt condemned that but it seemed to her ridiculous that with the modern technology  and the capacity to understand our world religions were still imbeded in the human mind . she argued aswell that religions throughout the milenia had evolved and adapted to humanities need of leadership and took the responsability of human action and human existence away from the people perseption and took a place of economical power and that it now is its only objective .

Emma Goldman was a furious Anarchist and i consider myself one of the, all her views she offered where as if she was reading my mind when i was younger and no one else could express what i felt and still feel of modern society better than her .

Charles Darwins influence on me

Charles Darwin was one person that didnt easily abandonded his religious beliefs. he even concidered becoming a priest when he was young but it was the extreme religious beliefs his wife had that kept him from claiming his atheism and it wasnt until he wrote his autobiography that he admited that all his lifes work slowly but surley exterminated any faith left in him.

he remembers being laughed at by the men on board of the Beagle because of his cuotations on the bible and his orthodox ways. he speaks about his knowledge becoming a questioning on all the miracles and the gospels and he says that "the more we know about the fixed laws of nature te more incredible miracles seem to be" it is clear for Darwin that no sane man would believe the old testament and its stories and he aknowledges that the Gospels cannot be proven tho be written at the same time of the events.
and he states "i gradually came to disbelieve in christianity as a divine revelation. and he clearly feels overwelmed with his discoveries and feels sad that many false religions have spread through humanity with a devastating effect on science knowledge and academic truth.

Darwin also a fan of theologist William Paley says in later life that with his discoveries and conclutions on natural selection and therefore the laws of nature all that Paley gave to him as a conclution of existance failed. he argues that the design of everything in this planet can not have been designed by one unique inteligent being since everything takes the shape and path it needs to survive given different circumstances in life itself.

it was calm and thoughtful conclutions like this of people like Darwin, as if he was reflecting on a long and eventful life that helped me come to terms with my anger with religion. it showed me that one can and will believe whatever he wants in order to make himself happy but what matters is what that person does with those beliefs to afect the world arround them. and looking at poeple like Charles Darwin and their conclutions on Religion and their lifes work made me feel hope, hapiness and pretty much a path in life !

My Beliefs, My Story, My Ideas

if i am going to discuss this very personal matter that is Religion with my own personal ideas i think the easyest way to start is to give you a little bit of my background information so that at least you know who i am and why i say what i say.

My name is Rommel and i was born in Mexico, im here currently in Sydeny Australia looking for a better education in Journalism and filmmaking than the one i would get in my own country for a number of different sad reasons. Being from Mexico i was raised as a Catholic man, there was no question who my god was, what my purpose in life was or where i was going after death. all i understood was that i was born lucky because of my religion.

when i turned 15 i started to be more curious about the history of my people "the Mexican people" trying to find an identity for myself i started a journy that to this day it hasnt come to an end and the further i do some research the most confusing it gets. It turns out that most of the national heroes that i learned about in school, the ones that gave us a flag, a national anthem etc, were nothing more than pupets of masonic laws and north american powerful people they sold the country for a couple of dollars but i guess what the school teachers wanted was to have heroes to be proud of even if they were a lie. after all after 500 years of white imperialism in America we understood that it was better to worship a bunch of thieves and liars than a couple of indigenous man and women.

Thats when i started to read about the indigenous tribes of not only Mexico but Latin America and what role did they have in all this and there is where i found my identity. i now realize i come from a country build by incredible indigenous progresive philosophies that put men and women in a same level, and a country so rich in every way but a country destroyed by the greedy white men that came from over seas to bring one of the largest human tragedies in the history of the world to the continent. people that are now in power and people that built a different kind of elite, the elite for profit.
in this stage of my life a million things and feelings bombard my heart and mind. it was as if i was waking up to a surreal reality that was built only of human torment and greed of such a magnitudes that was  unsensitized and washed away through 5 centuries to the point that no one remembers it. No one exept those in the mountains and junglesof the Mexican south east.

the Mayan Women thought me one thing that would change my perspective on life and my reality forever.
they thought me that when the white man came from Europe, they brought their god and jesus christ  with themto teach all the natives to hate themselves and summit to the white man and ever since christ and god have been in America women would never again take the same place as a man since god was one, unique, a man figure, a patriarch and Macho. this shook my bones, how could i have been so intolerant? why have i been part of all this genocide? i felt raped, i felt someone had stolen my inocense and murdered an entire continent in its name and in the name of god. it was a surreal experience
but the quest had just begun and many more discoveries were to be found in the following seven year of my life discoveries that made me understand my blood, my real background, the way my country had let me and thousands of indigenous tribes down in the name of a motherland in the name of money and some borderlines. i felt discusted, i hated god and all his soldiers in earth i hated every religion in the world for mindraping the world into extinction but that wasnt all.
after maby three years of feeling this repulsion to god and everything referent to it i started to read academic literacy about what religion really is, why is it here for and understand and comprehended my enemy a bit more and that hate became to give me an inspiration as it faded away. i wasnt going to live with hate, and i certainly wasnt going to reject everyone that was religious because i was going to end up alone and bitter and my indigenous brothers werent like that and they had to wait 500 years for their voices to be heard , i was sure i could live with it and be happy in the process of healing.

this is why i am priviledge to form part of this group undertaking this incredible positive aproach on religion.  this is a huge step foreward for me. i realised that i can be happy again now that i have no god. its all within me, no god is responsible for my actions or my happiness and succes, i am.  and i would like to share with you in the most respectful way a few thoughts from different famous people in history that were with me and helped me when going through this transition in my life.

thank you guys in advance for your comprehention and  your respect


Debating Atheism and Religion

Through the past three months this blog ha sbeen developing in a very interesting way. Having three different members that come from three different backgrounds the points of view in many matters are absolutley different.
specially when it comes to such personal matters like religion; religion from a Saudi Arabian perspective, religion from an Australian perspective and religion from a Mexican perspective.
when we embarked ourselves with this task of writing a blog we sat down and tried to figuere out what we all had in comon and we came up with a few things but when trying to write about them something was just not working for us. it was only then when we said to ourselves... what if we start writing about the major thing whe do not have in comon? religion. we have different oppinions about it and we can make this an interesting blog if we get to write about religion in a passionate way without offending anyone? and we did

this is what the blogs objective is now, an offer of a progresive respectfull display of oppinions between three friends that have every oportuniti equaly layed infront of them and religion is not gonna get between them.