Thursday, November 26, 2009


Welcome to Religious Beliefs within Australia, a blog setup for a communications bridging course at a humble educational institute run by UTS in Sydney, Australia. The topic we have chosen for this blog spans various parts of religion in this country.

One topic that shall be looked at is the "Jesus all about life" advertising campaign that recently plagued the Australian television networks and has popped up in the form of banners out the front of Christian churches all over Sydney.

We have a many queries about this campaign including:
  • Even though it is a belief we do not necessarily agree with, is it ethical to commercialize Billions of people's religion?
  • Is it fair that christians are free to throw their beliefs in the faces of such a multi-cultural society? When if a 'Mohammed all about life' ad campaign would more than likely spark public outrage.
  • If this is indeed unfair, then where does it stop? Must we out law christmas decorations and religious clothing in public, including priest's collars or the burqa?
  • What is "P.C." These days?
The Second topic that this blog will cover is atheism and it will be analysed objectively through the work of a group of different famous thinkers. their points of views and their comments and oppinions on religion will be annalysed in order to have a two way discussion about religious and non religious views in this blog.

The third topic in this blog will be about racial discrimination against religions in Australia. To achieve that we will examine Muslims situation as a case study. The reason of choosing  Muslims is the fact that they are the second largest religion after Christianity and because one of the participants in this blog is, himself, a Muslim who tries to deliver the issues of Muslims in Australia away from the unfair and  prejudicial media.
To achieve that, we'll illustrate several cases of racism against Muslims; We’ll provide some clips and finally We will write some articles about that.

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